Boot from CD Issue



Greetings. I have an issue. I am trying to reinstall Windows XP Pro on my
Dell Dimension. I have tried to install it using the boot menu, and
selecting the cd drive from the list, but instead of booting from the cd,
(the blue Windows installation setup), it just loads Windows XP and it takes
me to the welcome screen. I tried running it from the cd using the autoplay,
but when it tries to install it says that it cannot because the computer has
a newern (SP2) version of Windows. Any ideas what I can do...?

Please help!

Thank you.


What do you mean boot menu????

In order to boot to the CD, you would need to go into the Bios and change
the boot order there, make the CD the first choice.

What your seeing is normal when you have kept your pc up to date with
patches and updates, it's currently newer than your install cd ,as it appears
to be service pack 1, and your pc is service pack 2


....I went to the setup and I did put the boot sequence to the cd drive, but
the same thing happens.... it just loads Windows XP and logs me in... I just
need it to run the Windows setup so that I can do a fresh reinstall of

....but...i'm still stuck....what to do?


I GOT IT!! I finally got it funning.... thank you sqopus for your help....
much appreciated...

Colin Barnhorst

If you have two optical drives then you may have set the second one as the
boot preference. See if the second one boots as expected.

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