Books on DVD burning?



What are some good books on DVD and Video burning?

I went to-day to Barnes and Noble and saw really only 1. That was for NERO
6.X Ultimate.

Then went to Best Buys and the had none at all. Practically no books at all.

I am using Windows XP, SP #2 and just got yesterday NERO Ultimate.


Are you looking for the manuals for Nero 6? If so, I downloaded them off
their site for free. It takes quite a while. After I downloaded them I
saved them to a CD.


Thanks, I went to the site and downloaded the manual and then printed it

Looks like a quite usable tool.

George Ellis

The easiest resource I know of is a website, Lots of things
including instructions, reviews, tutorials, and a community forum. If you
want to know everything about DVD formats, get the book DVD Demystified
(search). That book is a huge tome on everything you ever wanted to know
about DVDs and gives detail only found in the books you can purchase from
the DVD Forum and +RW Alliance for thousands of dollars. But, be warned, it
is not light reading.

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