Blue screen on boot up. Cannot get into windows xp.



So heres the thing I did a re-install of windows xp files and I had a custom
boot screen and when I did the re-install I couldnt get into windows anymore
because it boots with a blue screen. Here is the thing that I think is wrong
because I did a re-install so the windows xp default boot screen is
conflicting with my custom one and windows doesnt know which one to boot so
it gives me this blue screen. Ive tried last good config, safe mode and I
couldnt get in because Last good didnt work and safe mode also gives me the
blue screen.


Well.... excuse me... I was just trying to see if there is a way to get out
of this ..... sheesh....

Dusko Savatovic

friedryce said:
Well.... excuse me... I was just trying to see if there is a way to get
of this ..... sheesh....

Try restoring from backup.
WinXP has a great utility - ASR (Automated System Restore).

Dusko Savatovic

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Was your custom boot screen loaded by boot.ini? If so, try booting to the XP
Recovery Console and renaming the existing one, then run bootcfg /rebuild to
create a new one.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


There is.....but what did the programmer's support forum suggest? The boot
screen isn't anything to toy with unless you know what you are doing. That
said, when using third party instructions/software, etc, fully understand
the do and undo for instances as these.

Happy Holidays,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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