Blue Screen Error



I'm getting the following blue screen error. Windows
secure timeout. The specified I/O
on /device/harddisk/dr3 was not completed before the
timeout period.

I have no idea what the problem may be and was curious if
anyone if familiar with this error Any help is


Adjusting the automatic disk check timeout period

When Windows restarts following some types of unplanned shutdown or after a
disk modification, Windows performs an automatic disk check on the system
hard drives to ensure data consistency. Prior to each volume being checked,
the system displays a message allowing the user to skip the disk check by
pressing a key. This message is shown for ten seconds per volume.
This tweak allows you to eliminate, reduce or extend the time-out period

To adjust the automatic disk check timeout period:

Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

Insert a value with the following details:
Data Type: DWORD
Value Name: AutoChkTimeOut
Value: 0 (zero) to disable the timeout completely
1 to 60 - the number of seconds you wish the timeout displayed

Reboot your machine for the change to take effect
Please note: All numeric values are shown in decimal notation.

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