Blocked start-up programs



Is there a way to unblock a start up program permanently? I use this program
all the time & whenever I reboot I have to unblock it. anyone???


It won't help. I completely disabled Windows Defender and still I see this
stupid warning that the system won't let me run the needed app with
Administrator privileges. >:-E Please don't ask me to wait for the program
updates, there won't be any as was abandoned long time ago.


I agree - Windows Defender is annoying over-zealous when it comes to blocking
programs it doesn't know. There should be a way to tell it to trust a certain
program permanently, rather than having to choose to run the program every
time Windows loads. This is immensely irritating. The same can be said of the
way 3rd party security firms are/were being locked out of the Windows kernel.

Microsoft is clearly erring on the side of caution with Vista, but frankly I
don't think they've got the balance right.


So is there any solution except disabling UAC?

BTW, does anyone know how to allow in ACT an app to load its own driver and
redirect %ProgramFiles\App" writes to profile?


It's definitely blocked by UAC:

User Account Control prevents programs that require permission or an
administrator password from running automatically when Windows starts.

Windows Defender is already disabled both in options and services, and UAC
is configured to run in its least annoying mode (autoconsent w/o promtps, no
secure desktop).

John Barnes

I have a popup on startup and periodically from Windows Defender that says
it is blocking a startup program, but the display shows NO programs blocked.
Very annoying. If it just happened once per session it would be tolerable,
but multiple times?


I'm also having the same problem, I want DynDNS updater to run at startup,
but it appears that this app need administrator privileges so Windows
Defender bloks it. I couldn't find a way to explicit say that I trust this
software to run at startup, anybody have an idea how to do that?

I notice it exists in Windows Defender a tool witch is allowed software, but
i could find a way to add the software there.

Any help will be truly appreciated!


Try using task scheduler and run the program with highest privileges
triggered at log on. The user account should be your own account.
It works here for a program that had the same problem but I am using a
Domain Account to log on with.


When I do to Windows Defender then Software explorer most applications have
the options grayed out so you can Enable the program.

Also, it appears that most programs you download will ask you to run it each
time you start it everytime.

Most Viruses are less intrusive than Vista. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I
switched to VISTA. This OS is a total nightmare. I HATE IT!!!!! WE PAID

Jimmy Brush


Administrative startup programs are only blocked when UAC is enabled.
Disabling UAC is what unblocked the startup programs.


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