"Bloated" Excel workbook



We have a 3 page Excel 2002 workbook. Four of us each copy it from a folder.
paste to the desktop, fill it in with the day's accounting figures and then
email it. It ranges in size from 194 kb to 204 kb.
One user oftentimes ends up with it being from 300 to 500 kb. What is
Thanks for any help with this!

Otto Moehrbach

One reason why an Excel file gets "bloated" is that Excel thinks the
file is bigger than it actually is. Do this. In each sheet in turn, do
Ctrl - End. This will move the cell cursor to the cell that Excel thinks is
the bottom - right cell of your data. You know what the actual bottom-right
cell of your data is. If these two cells are far apart, then that's your
You say that one of the users has this problem. Do you mean that only
this one user sees this "bloated" condition? If so, then the above does not
relate to your problem. Post back with more info about the problem. HTH


Thank you, Otto!
That is indeed the problem. Now, how do I fix them (they have to be kept)
and how do I explain to her what she is doing so she won't do it anymore?
Wow, that's asking a lot of you, isn't it?
Thanks again,

Otto Moehrbach

You have to do this for each sheet of your file. Let's say that you
have looked at the sheet and you have determined that your last cell is G50.
Select row 51. You do this by clicking on the 51 in the column of row
numbers at the left side of the screen. This selects the entire row.
Now do Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow (Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and hit the
down arrow key). You just selected every row from row 51 to the last row,
row 65,536.
Now place the mouse pointer anywhere in the blue (selected) area,
right-click, and click on Delete. This deletes all those rows, which are
immediately replaced with new blank rows.
Now select the H column by clicking on the H at the top of the column. Do
Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow. Right-click anywhere in the selected area and click
on Delete.
Now do the same thing in the rest of the sheets. Save the file. Close the
file. Go into Explorer and see how big it is. Let me know if this works
for you.
If you have lots of sheets, there exists code to automate this process.
Now open the file and do Ctrl-End on each of the sheets and see where it
takes you.
It would be prudent to try all this on a copy of your file first. HTH

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