Blank panel on loading Media Player 10


Rob Nicholson

This is a problem I've seen many times on Media Player and whilst it doesn't
stop it working, it's annoying :)

On loading Media Player 10, the central window (where it normally displays
the video, library etc. etc.) is blank. Actually, it's not blank, it's just
not being painted. For example, if you flip to (say) Outlook Express and
then back to WMP using Alt-Tab, you'll see bits of Outlook Express in the
middle panel, i.e. when WMP got focus back, it didn't bother to paint
anything in the panel.

WMP is working perfectly in that you can click on one of the tabs (say) to
display the library or the guide etc.

As I said, just annoying :) Shouldn't WMP display the guide on start-up?

Thanks, Rob.

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