"BLACK" screen of death



Grrrr....I thought I had evaded this problem when I upgraded my system but now it is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way to restore is to manually reset. More often than not when I reboot I get no error messages (i.e. 'The system has recovered from a serious error...). It doesn't matter what program I am running. Sometimes it takes a few seconds, sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows updates. I have verified all my hardware drivers are updated. I have run anti-virus and spyware programs. The system was just recently put together so there is no dust or dirt issue. I completely erased all info on my hard drive before a complete Windows install. Tried system restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem is that it is consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there any diagnostic software available that can actually diagnose a problem of this nature?? I've been up and down the forums list and tried everything I can think of but nothing seems to do the trick. ANY help would be appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it will help.

Mary Sauer

You receive a "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error" message after every restart
Windows XP Problems if Your Profile Is Damaged

Mary Sauer MS MVP
Trickasaurus said:
Grrrr....I thought I had evaded this problem when I upgraded my system but now it
is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way to restore is to manually
reset. More often than not when I reboot I get no error messages (i.e. 'The system
has recovered from a serious error...). It doesn't matter what program I am running.
Sometimes it takes a few seconds, sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows updates.
I have verified all my hardware drivers are updated. I have run anti-virus and
spyware programs. The system was just recently put together so there is no dust or
dirt issue. I completely erased all info on my hard drive before a complete Windows
install. Tried system restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem is that
it is consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there any diagnostic
software available that can actually diagnose a problem of this nature?? I've been up
and down the forums list and tried everything I can think of but nothing seems to do
the trick. ANY help would be appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it
will help.


I don't get the "Serious Error" message after every restart. If I do it is rare. I don't seem to have a problem with my profile either.


This is a stupid question, but I have to ask, is your monitor shutting off or is it the system? What graphics card are you using? Have you checked the event viewer for Errors?


Have you unchecked "Automatically Restart" in "My Computer" Properties
(Advanced tab, Startup and Recovery settings, system failure)...this will
give the blue screen with error message upon next system failure and reboot.


Trickasaurus said:
Grrrr....I thought I had evaded this problem when I upgraded my system but
now it is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way to restore
is to manually reset. More often than not when I reboot I get no error
messages (i.e. 'The system has recovered from a serious error...). It
doesn't matter what program I am running. Sometimes it takes a few seconds,
sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows updates. I have verified all my
hardware drivers are updated. I have run anti-virus and spyware programs.
The system was just recently put together so there is no dust or dirt issue.
I completely erased all info on my hard drive before a complete Windows
install. Tried system restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem
is that it is consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there
any diagnostic software available that can actually diagnose a problem of
this nature?? I've been up and down the forums list and tried everything I
can think of but nothing seems to do the trick. ANY help would be
appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it will help.


It is not just the monitor shutting off. Initially that's what I thought it might be too but it wasn't. The system is just cutting out to a black screen that can only be recovered from by manually restting the system. I am using a TrueColor Radeon 9600 XT video card with the most current drivers. I checked the event viewer for errors and the only thing odd I have noticed is this:


Failure Audit

IPSec Services: IPSec Services failed to get the complete list of network interfaces on the machine. This can be a potential security hazard to the machine since some of the network interfaces may not get the protection as desired by the applied IPSec filters. Please run IPSec monitor snap-in to further diagnose the problem.

Unfortunately i've never heard of an IPSec monitor snap-in so I have no idea how to run it. In the process of looking into that.


I have now unchecked "Automatically Restart" and will let you know shortly what the result is. Thanks to everyone for the support by the way.


Just curious...did you turn on the XP firewall before using Micrsoft Windows
Update site?(Or any other browsing for that matter). Have you tried to run
the "Stinger"? Stinger-


Trickasaurus said:
No luck. System still goes to black screen even with "Automatically
Restart" unchecked. Did however get the IPS snap-in added and still find no
errors in event log. Ran anti-virus again to check on Sasser virus and even
used Microsoft Sasser check and both came back negative.


Well, too late now, but as "food for thought", N E V E R leave yourself wide
open accessing the internet. It only takes a fraction of a second for any
one of the *Many* infected computers that are constantly scanning the
internet to infect you. Next time, turn on the XP firewall (It's better
than nothing)*Before* going online for anything. Hope you find your



I know your frustration, but formatting is up to you. You should back up
any data or pics, videos etc. to CD, or if your new install you have now is
fresh, possibly you don't have that much to lose. How about a system
restore attempt, going back to a time before issue occured? It seems as
though you have tried most things I can think of. If you do a format and
fresh install, disconnect all perriferials (Printers, Zip drives, etc.),
boot from CD, new install, delete partician, format, and follow the
prompts...TURN on the XP firewall next time before going online. This is an
extreme "Fix", but it's up to you. Weigh it all out. Good luck.


Trickasaurus said:
Well OK. Lesson learned. But what are my options now? Should I reformat my
drives and start from scratch? Should I just try to re-install Windows? If
no anti-virus software is showing any viruses then are there any other
possible issues that it could be??


This is new

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 7023
Source: Service Control Manager
Version: 5.0
Component: System Event Log
Message: The %1 service terminated with the following error:

That was an error in the event log. Does this shed any light on the issue?

Kenny S

Do you have another display adaptor? or perhaps an onboard one to test your
computer with?

Are you on a lan? Id so disable the network card for a while and see if that
may be causing the trouble....

Did this always happen with your computer?
Do you have SP1 installed?


Hope this helps. Let us know.
Kenny S
FREE programs and MORE!



Grrrr....I thought I had evaded this problem when I upgraded my system
but now it is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way
to restore is to manually reset. More often than not when I reboot I
get no error messages (i.e. 'The system has recovered from a serious
error...). It doesn't matter what program I am running. Sometimes it
takes a few seconds, sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows
updates. I have verified all my hardware drivers are updated. I have
run anti-virus and spyware programs. The system was just recently put
together so there is no dust or dirt issue. I completely erased all
info on my hard drive before a complete Windows install. Tried system
restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem is that it is
consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there any
diagnostic software available that can actually diagnose a problem of
this nature?? I've been up and down the forums list and tried
everything I can think of but nothing seems to do the trick. ANY help
would be appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it will

Had the same problem, frustrating as heck. Eventually I updated the
motherboard chipset AGP and IDE drivers, that seems to have solved it. It's
only been six weeks but I haven't had a black screen since. It's worth a

Pastor Frank

"recently put together"? "upgraded"? Try other components one by one,
including another motherboard.
Pastor Frank


Nate said:
This is a stupid question, but I have to ask, is your monitor shutting off
or is it the system? What graphics card are you using? Have you checked the
event viewer for Errors?but now it is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way to
restore is to manually reset. More often than not when I reboot I get no
error messages (i.e. 'The system has recovered from a serious error...). It
doesn't matter what program I am running. Sometimes it takes a few seconds,
sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows updates. I have verified all my
hardware drivers are updated. I have run anti-virus and spyware programs.
The system was just recently put together so there is no dust or dirt issue.
I completely erased all info on my hard drive before a complete Windows
install. Tried system restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem
is that it is consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there
any diagnostic software available that can actually diagnose a problem of
this nature?? I've been up and down the forums list and tried everything I
can think of but nothing seems to do the trick. ANY help would be
appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it will help.


Try a different Monitor, just to eliminate that as the source.


Vanilla said:
I've just read the postings and curious how was your problem finally solved. :)
but now it is worse than ever. My screen goes black and the only way to
restore is to manually reset. More often than not when I reboot I get no
error messages (i.e. 'The system has recovered from a serious error...). It
doesn't matter what program I am running. Sometimes it takes a few seconds,
sometimes hours. I have loaded all Windows updates. I have verified all my
hardware drivers are updated. I have run anti-virus and spyware programs.
The system was just recently put together so there is no dust or dirt issue.
I completely erased all info on my hard drive before a complete Windows
install. Tried system restore to no avail.The only thing about this problem
is that it is consistently inconsistent. This is driving me crazy. Is there
any diagnostic software available that can actually diagnose a problem of
this nature?? I've been up and down the forums list and tried everything I
can think of but nothing seems to do the trick. ANY help would be
appreciated. I will respond with ANY system info if it will help.


Thanks Willie, but I do not have the problem myself, I was just reading the postings (as I found out I can learn a lot from them) and was curious how Trickasaurus solved the problem. As it obvious that he did because he did not post any new questions about it.
Thanks again:

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