Birthdate as fiscal year



What is a formula that will allow me to extract 12 month/year combinations
based on a birthdate to start a fiscal year? For example a birthdate of
07/30/1956 would return July 2006, August 2006...June 2007. A birthdate of
05/22/2001 would return May 2006, June 2006...April 2007.

I can handle the year by using a reference field for the starting year, but
how do I convert the May or July birthmonth into a series of month/year
combos that increment the year when rolling over to January?


Assuming your birth date is in A1, enter this in B1:


Highlight cells B1:C1 and Format the cells using a Custom format of
MMMM yyyy.

Then in C1 enter this formula:


and copy this formula into D1:M1

This should wrap at the end of the year.

Hope this helps.



Spot on! I had to modify slightly for my application, but the basic formula
was exactly what I needed. Thank you!

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