Bargain BioShock & The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion = £5

I did see this the other day while i was browsing and thought then it was a deal.

Oblivion wasnt really my type of game and Bioshock I seemed to get bored of very quickly but for £4.99 ive ordered them anyway. May come in handy for a crimbo pressie ;)

Thanks for the reminder mate
Real bargain! BioShock was one of my all time favourite games, and I've played a little of Oblivion and that seemed like fun (although not my sort of game). Even for BioShock alone that is well worth it.
Will people please stop posting links to cheap games
I'm running out of money
I bought 5 if anyone interested to buy plus £1 p/p :)
Two of my favourite games ever.

Bioshock was just plain freaky and I loved that Art Deco thirties setting - superb.

And I have to say I preferred Oblivion to Fallout 3 personally, I will be going back to Oblivion at some stage to play all the side quests I didn't bother with first time around.