bios problems


john benson

I have a corrupt bios. This occured when I tried to load
a revision bios.
The motherboard is a ASUS P4SP-MX with a built in VGA.
I have loaded a vga card onto the motherboard, and when I
boot up I get a BIOS ROM check sum error.
I have made a bootable 'a' disk from another xp machine.
I have copied AFLASH.EXE from ASUS Motherboard CD Rom
onto the 'a' boot up disk.
When I boot up with the boot up disk , my keyboard will
only deliver uppercase, So if I go to select a number
when in the AFLASH program (ie number 1) I get the upper
case value (ie !). This means I can't select the number 2
when in Aflash.
No matter what keys I press, upper case is always
What do I do????

Star Fleet Admiral Q

So, you've made a door stop out of your computer.
Try 1st - remove the battery from the mother board, a small round circular
disk, looks like a nickel, quarter or half dollar - a coin in other words.
Leave it out about 30 minutes or so, and unplug the pc from any AC power.
Put the battery back in and replug the AC in, and power up - it may boot
from you floppy and the Upper/Lower case problem resolved. If not your only
choice now may be to send it to the manufacturer for repair - what is needed
now is an EPROM reader/writer to reprogram the EPROM chip (where the BIOS is
stored) with the correct information for your motherboard.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Contact the manufacturer, this is a hardware issue unrelated to your
operating system.

John Benson

Thanks Star Fleet Admiral Q
Your suggestion for removing the AC & battery power
supply worked.
After I did this I had full control of the keyboard
during Boot Disk start up.
I was then able to flash my bios with AFLASH program and
my PC is back to normal.
Thanks for that mate, you're a champ!

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