BIOS Cache Settings for Windows XP Professional


Tomcat IVD

Do the BIOS Caching options have any effect on the
performance of Windows XP PRO?

Specifically; System Cache, Video Cache, Video Shadowing,
External Cache and Internal Cache.

I have found numerous support articles stating that these
options should be disabled when having problems, but if
there are no problems, should they all be enabled?

Here is line from a specific Windows XP support article
recommending the disabling of all caching when
encountering an 0x000000A error:

Turn off the following features in the CMOS settings of
your computer. Consult the hardware documentation or
manufacturer for instructions.
All caching, including L2, BIOS, internal/external, and
write-back caching on disk controllers
All shadowing
Plug and Play
Any BIOS-based virus protection feature

So what is the deal? If I am not having problems should
have all these BIOS caching options enabled?

I have read in the past that Windows NT 4.0 did not use
the system cache and bypassed it. Is this also the case
for Windows XP PRO? But that is the only information I
have read and that only is regarding the System cache.
What about all the other cache settings?

I have searched the microsoft website and not found a
clear answer. I searched XP support, the knowledgebase
and this newsgroup.

Please email me if you respond here, thank you!

David Candy

You turn off caching in case it's faulty. As your is working you leave it on as it's required. The first three speed up MSDos and the next two any program substantially.


under your "specifically"
I have found great success with DISABLING the FIRST three.
That's it! Nothing else. There are serveral good
articles out there that support disabling only the FIRST
three due to redunancy or even problems while running
Windows XP Pro, H.E. I don't have pointers to these
articles anymore but I found them in a thorough Google
search. Good Luck.
-----Original Message-----
You turn off caching in case it's faulty. As your is
working you leave it on as it's required. The first three
speed up MSDos and the next two any program substantially.

kathy poythress

-----Original Message-----
Do the BIOS Caching options have any effect on the
performance of Windows XP PRO?

Specifically; System Cache, Video Cache, Video Shadowing,
External Cache and Internal Cache.

I have found numerous support articles stating that these
options should be disabled when having problems, but if
there are no problems, should they all be enabled?

Here is line from a specific Windows XP support article
recommending the disabling of all caching when
encountering an 0x000000A error:

Turn off the following features in the CMOS settings of
your computer. Consult the hardware documentation or
manufacturer for instructions.
All caching, including L2, BIOS, internal/external, and
write-back caching on disk controllers
All shadowing
Plug and Play
Any BIOS-based virus protection feature

So what is the deal? If I am not having problems should
have all these BIOS caching options enabled?

I have read in the past that Windows NT 4.0 did not use
the system cache and bypassed it. Is this also the case
for Windows XP PRO? But that is the only information I
have read and that only is regarding the System cache.
What about all the other cache settings?

I have searched the microsoft website and not found a
clear answer. I searched XP support, the knowledgebase
and this newsgroup.

Please email me if you respond here, thank you!

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