BindingSource determine changes before calling EndEdit()


Rob Dob

How do I determine if there are any rows within the BindingSource that have
changed prior to calling the EndEdit(). I need to do this in order to
archive some records and if I call the EndEdit() then it also wipes out the
orginal version of the dataset record with the proposed changes., However I
don't wish to iterate through every row in the dataset in order to figure
out changes, Does the BindingSource not have something similar to the
GetChanges() or HasChanges()

Thanks in advance.


EndEdit does not wipe out the original version of the data in the dataset.
I think it pushes it from the control into the underlying dataset, which is
what you want, so you can look for teh differences. (If I'm wrong, I'm sure
someone will correct me.)

In a dataset, to see the rows that have changed, you can check the version
of the data using the DataViewRowState enumeration.

This shows the rows modified, with the new value:

DataViewRowState dvrs;
dvrs = DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent;
Console.WriteLine("Modified Rows");
//first param is filter, 2nd is sort, 3rd is recordstates
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Select("", "", dvrs))
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", row["CompanyName", DataRowVersion.Original]);

(I may have messed up my parentheses and square brackets there; I converted
this from a VB sample that I have.)

Robin S.

Marc Gravell

Dealing strictly with a BindingSource (and no specific implementations
such as DataSet) then perhaps monitor the ListChanged event,
specifically for ItemChanged types, and keep track of which entities
have been tweaked? To save on the complexities of tracking their
offsets during complex changes / resets, I'd just track the actual
object reference (rather than offsets at the time of the change).

Just a thought.


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