Best way to create table for Quantity Breaks



I need to create a table for Price Breaks by Quantity. But the break can
occour either by Quantity with a Percentage or by Currancy with a $$. Would
it be better to break into 2 tables or will one table work?


First impression is that this is not a Table issue but a 'calculated value'

Your Table has the base/list prices. There would be a calculated value if
quantity is > X.

There would be a second calculated value discount if $$ > X

These calculated value formulas would be embedded in query or Form or Report
and not in a table.

.....again - this is just first impression based on my interpretation of your

John Nurick

Hi Sonia,

Are "price breaks" the same as discounts?

I think it depends on just what the rules are for applying and
calculating them.

For example, does product A always have discounts based on Quantity,
while product B discounts are based on total price, or does it depend on
the customer, or whether the quantity passes a particular threshold, or
something else? And so on. Can you be a bit clearer on what the rules

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