best resume to use: relocated, 16yrs. experience, h.s.grad., mng



I left a great job and haven't seeked employment for over 16 years. I was at
managment level and hate to start over, but I have no college education. My
job discription included office managment, employee managment, training,
report and communicate directly with president of co.,etc. I would like to
create a resume that is outstanding in experience and doesn't dwell on
education. Also, if there is anyone that does the reviewing and interviewing
of resumes and applicants, any hints??

Shauna Kelly

Hi Stacey

This group generally deals with troubles in using Word, not the content of
documents created in Word.

If you search in Google for resume template, you'll find several templates
from which to choose (including templates at and lots of advice
on how best to write a resume.

Big hint: Press F7 before you send your resume to a potential employer.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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