Best free WYSIWYG web authoring program.




It’s been a while since I did a web pages, but now I need to do one,
Therefore I wondered what currently is the best free WYSIWYG web authoring

Bob Adkins

It’s been a while since I did a web pages, but now I need to do one,
Therefore I wondered what currently is the best free WYSIWYG web authoring

It's just about a draw between Openoffice.ORG and NVU.


It's just about a draw between Openoffice.ORG and NVU.

NVU looks great. Installing OO for it’s web authoring capabilities seems
like bloat (unless I would use it as my office suite),

Thank you for the pointers.


Al is correct, I think Dreamweaver is better, but how much can you
expect for free. I have now given up all of them and use notepad2 in
windows and gedit in linux. The more simple they make these programs
to use, the less control I think you have.


Michael Laplante

I've been watching the replies with interest hoping that someone would come
up with something worthwhile. Not yet, I'm afraid.

I've researched this issue exhaustively and have never found a satisfactory
solution. Programs like Web Dwarf, Web Builder and DHE Editor(correct name?)
come closest but they are far from perfect. They are very good at layout and
layers, but work with proprietary file formats until you "publish" to HTML.
Therefore, you can't edit existing HTML pages though you could edit the
original files. They have other issues though -- don't integrate tables
well, can't do inline images, text boxes that bump up against each other
don't render correctly in Firefox (a Firefox flaw or feature depending on
your viewpoint), etc.

NVu has bugs in it -- it chokes when you start to work with layers and it
wants to perpetually re-format your code. Somebody here suggest Open Office
and I just laughed. Even the authors acknowledge it is not meant for HTML
editing -- it will do only the very simplest of stuff and even then it
chokes on stuff like layers too. Mozilla's Composer wasn't bad -- but, IIRC,
it's not up to using CSS layers.

I've taken a two pronged approach. I use Web Dwarf or Web Builder to set up
my layout with text boxes, graphics, etc, then switch to handcoding to "fill
in the blanks." I keep NVu handy 'cuz it's handy for generating and
reviewing small code bits which are then copied into my page. If you use
Notetab Lite you can save these code bits and re-use them repeatedly.

I'm afraid a comprehensive, glitch free wysiwyg editor doesn't exist yet.



Michael Laplante said:
I've been watching the replies with interest hoping that someone would
come up with something worthwhile. Not yet, I'm afraid.

Try <blink>. Development has stopped on it, but I found it to be as good,
if not better, than Nvu, at least for the little while I used it.
Unfortunately, I was looking for an editor that could handle .php files and
<blink> only works with .htm/.html, but that should be good for most people:


1st Page 2006 immediately crashes when I start it. Has anyone else had
this problem?


Al Klein

1st Page 2006 immediately crashes when I start it. Has anyone else had
this problem?

Downloaded it to check ... nope.

OS? Amount of RAM? What else was running at the time?

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