before insert sqlDataAdapter


Serdge Kooleman

i have a query: select id, name from Dictionary
field "id" is uniqueidentifier (primary key id is not null, and not identity
i show only "name" in the dataGrid

how to set up new id when i insert a new record? from the c#? from the sql?

INSERT INTO Dictionary (id, name) VALUES (@id, @name );

Always i'm getting message: "Column "id" doesn't allow nulls. Do you want to
the value?"

thank you

Bart Mermuys


Serdge Kooleman said:
i have a query: select id, name from Dictionary
field "id" is uniqueidentifier (primary key id is not null, and not
identity !)
i show only "name" in the dataGrid

how to set up new id when i insert a new record? from the c#? from the

INSERT INTO Dictionary (id, name) VALUES (@id, @name );

Always i'm getting message: "Column "id" doesn't allow nulls. Do you want
to correct
the value?"

This looks like an error message the DataGrid may show when you try to add a
new record. The error comes from the constraints on the DataTable and not
the insert command.

The DataTable (Net1.1) doesn't have a before-new-row-added event but because
it is bound to a DataGrid there is always a DataView in between and you can
use the DataView's ListChanged event to catch a new row (before it is

// Put this after binding or
// in Form Load event (if you used designer to bind)
CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)

DataView dv = (DataView)cm.List;

new ListChangedEventHandler(dv_ListChanged);

// then add the following event handler code
private void dv_ListChanged(object sender,
System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e)
DataView dv = (DataView)sender;
if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded &&
dv[e.NewIndex].Row.RowState == DataRowState.Detached )
dv[e.NewIndex]["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

Note that in NET 2.0 there will be easier ways of doing this.


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