BCM v2 SP2 on SBS2003 will not finish DB Share Wizard.



I have a freshly installed SBS2003 server with all the updates including
Exchange 2003 server SP2 and Sql Server Xpress, and none of the machines on
the network will share a database. New database with nothing in them,
firewall ports opened, SQL server set to the correct port, and I can't get
past the share database wizard. I keep getting the same error right when I
click the finish button, it says "An error occurred while applying changes.
Your changes have not been applied successfully." Every time, and on every
machine on the domain.

I have tried giving Domain Admin rights to more than one user and trying
them on the ShareDB wizard. I have updated everything I can think of.
Exchange, BCM, Sql, .NET, OFFice, etc. No Avail. Is there anybody that can
assist me with this? I would really appreciate it. Is there some sort of GP
that is keeping the database share wizard from completing?

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

mark futcher

I am getting exactly the same errors with the same setup. will post if I
find anything.



I finally broke down and called for tech support. They informed me that I
had to remove routing and remote access, and turn on Windows firewall. I did
this, and it actually let me finish the share DB wizard. Now, I still can't
connect to the DB from the other client computers.
I finally moved the database to a client computer and tried it again. It
finished the DB share wizard even with the routing and remote access turned
on in the server. I even got it to share with another client, but only one.
So today I am supposed to find out why that is. I will repost if I find out
anything more.

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