Batch (USMT/FAST/?) Backup of Individualized System Files & Settings




This is a msg I hitherto had submitted in the
"microsoft.public.windowsxp.setup_deployment" user group. It
languished completely unanswered for 9 days. Therefore, I deleted it
there and now submit to the eager, creative & technically-proficient
minds here ... that means you! ... yeah you! ...the one reading this
right now! ... you know who you are!! ...
contains the following passage regarding usage requirements for the
User State Migration Tool (USMT): "...individual users do not need to
use USMT. In addition, USMT requires a client computer that is
connected to a Windows Server domain controller."

Q: Is this true? ... that in order to use the USMT, I MUST be
"connected to a Windows Server domain controller." (i.e., a server)?

What I'm getting at is this: I'm hoping to maybe use the USMT on
stand-alone systems and/or SOHO, P2P (non-server supported) networks.
My motivation is that I've been unable to implement or discover a way
to batch script the backup of settings and files using FAST (File and
Settings Transfer Wizard). I would like to be able to batch backup
settings by individual components (e.g., "Command Prompt settings",
"Display settings", "Windows Media Player", etc.) as opposed to the
comprehensive "All". I also want to be able to create and configure
additional non-default programs (e.g., Trillian, Maxthon, MusicMatch
Jukebox, etc.) using this same batched backup routine.

I know I could create a comprehensive batch script pulling from each
component's applicable settings files and associated Windows registry
entries, then individually .RAR them up; but I was hoping to find an
alternative tool (FAST, USMT, ?) that I could tailor according to my
variable needs (new system setups; existing system enhancement;
recovery, etc.), and in this way get a head start. This, it seems to
me, would cut my scripting labor investment considerably ... but then
again, maybe not.

Anyone have an answer to my first question and/or any advice on
realizing my goal?

Any/all replies welcomed and sincerely appreciated. Thanks.

"Today's the best day of my life...and NOW you're part of it!" ...


Thanks Kerry for taking the time to reply. I perused the capabilities
of each of the SW links you included. They appear to do essentially
the same tasks as FAST and USMT.

What I plan on doing is downloading the USMT and testing to see if its
presuming it doesn't, but I'll soon know the answer to that one. Will
report back on this post the results of that endeaver.

Input from any/all is still desired & greatly appreciated.

"Today's the best day of my life ... and NOW you're part of it!"

Kerry Brown

You're welcome, although I wasn't much help. Let us know what you find out.
I use FAST quite a bit and haven't found a way to do what you want. I've
only used USMT a couple of times and it was with an Active Directory domain.

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