"Batch swap" words within a cell/column



I have column on a spreadsheet called Primary/Vendor(one cell), and under it is a list of Primary's followed by the main vendor. Like so:
1 Sapphire/CapOn
2 Monument/Trilegian
3 Sapphire/Wachovi
and so on

There are about 100 of these, and I need to swap it to say Vendor/Primary so the list would then read
and so on..

Any way of easily doing this



There sure is an easy way; use Data->text to columns,
uncheck tab (or whatever is defaulted) and check other-
put a slash in the box, then OK.

then recreate another column like this:
=B1 & "/" & A1. then drag down.

-----Original Message-----
I have column on a spreadsheet called Primary/Vendor(one
cell), and under it is a list of Primary's followed by
the main vendor. Like so:
1 Sapphire/CapOne
2 Monument/Trilegiant
3 Sapphire/Wachovia
and so on.

There are about 100 of these, and I need to swap it to
say Vendor/Primary so the list would then read:



One way would be to insert two helper columns next to
column A. Highling column 'A' and choose Data/Text/to
columns, using Delimited/Other and insert "/" in the other
box. This will split the names bewteen Column 'A'
and 'B'. In the helper column 'C' enter the formula
=B1&"/"&A1. Copy down as needed. Next highlight
Column 'C' an choose Copy, without moving the selection
from column 'C' click Paste/Paste Special/Values.

Delete Columns 'A' and 'B'

Charlie O'Neill
-----Original Message-----
I have column on a spreadsheet called Primary/Vendor(one
cell), and under it is a list of Primary's followed by the
main vendor. Like so:
1 Sapphire/CapOne
2 Monument/Trilegiant
3 Sapphire/Wachovia
and so on.

There are about 100 of these, and I need to swap it to
say Vendor/Primary so the list would then read:

Dave Peterson

Or you could use a helper column of cells with a formula like:



THANK YOU very much. I did this and it worked like a champ, I appreciate the help and quick response, ya'll rock.

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