Batch build fail while standard build succeds



I have a mixed solution -most of its projects are in C# and some are in
Problem is that when I compile the solution with batch build the MFC files
end up wit compilation errors, but if I compile them personally everything
is OK.
One more note- the MFC project is independent on any other project.
Can some advise please?


Ronny said:
I have a mixed solution -most of its projects are in C# and some are in
Problem is that when I compile the solution with batch build the MFC files
end up wit compilation errors, but if I compile them personally everything
is OK.
One more note- the MFC project is independent on any other project.
Can some advise please?
Interesting combination :)
I'll assume you've already considered and rejected the possibility of
converting the MFC projects to C# or C++/CLI.
Given that your issues are on the MFC side, I'd consider crossposting your
question to:

and including details such as the pertinent sections of the batch files and
quotes of the error messages received.


Thanks Mr. Bhawasinka,
Following is the attached command from the VS2005.
Does that help?

/Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_USRDLL" /D "WPCAP" /D "HAVE_REMOTE" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fp"Debug\DllPcap.pch" /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc80.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /Wp64 /ZI /TP /errorReport:prompt
I work with a solution which contains over 85 projects and around half of them are in VC++ with MFC, some are in C# and there are few web service. We always build it from the command line for the releases. It never gave any problem.

Can you post the command line that you used for build?

PvdG42 wrote:

I have a mixed solution -most of its projects are in C# and some are in
Problem is that when I compile the solution with batch build the MFC files
end up wit compilation errors, but if I compile them personally everything
is OK.
One more note- the MFC project is independent on any other project.
Can some advise please?

Interesting combination :)
I'll assume you've already considered and rejected the possibility of converting the MFC projects to C# or C++/CLI.
Given that your issues are on the MFC side, I'd consider crossposting your question to:

and including details such as the pertinent sections of the batch files and quotes of the error messages received.

Ashutosh Bhawasinka

Why are you building your application like this??? You should use devenv
command lines to build your entire solution.

First of all, make sure you can build your full solutions at once (not
individual projects) from the IDE in both Release and debug (solution
configuration) mode. Then use *devenv *to build your entire solution,
specifying your build configuration.

NOTE: Don't get confused with solution configuration (release/debug) and
project level configuration. For a solution configuration you can select
which project level configuration to use.

Thanks & Regards,

Ashutosh Bhawasinka

I work with a solution which contains over 85 projects and around half
of them are in VC++ with MFC, some are in C# and there are few web
service. We always build it from the command line for the releases. It
never gave any problem.

*Can you post the command line that you used for build?*

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