Basic question...



I have a regular anchor in one frame targeting another frame. Since this approach always worked for me in static html and classic asp, I thought it would work in However, it's not working (at least, not as expected -- the linked page is just popped up in a new window). I'm using v1.1 of the framework

Could anyone let me know what is causing this problem is or of a good reference regarding this problem

I've posted the (simple) code below

<frameset rows="115px,*" border="0" frameborder="0"><frame id="frmmenu" src="menu.aspx" scrolling="no" /><frameset cols="256px,*"><frame id="frmalbums" src="albumsmain.aspx" /><frame id="frmmain"/></frameset></frameset

[problem anchor
<a href="settings.aspx" target="frmmain">Settings</a>


Never mind...stupid name attribute. I've gotten so used to being able to use the id instead of the name that I keep forgetting about the instances where an element needs to have a name.

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