Basic question about .aspx pages and application




I am new to creating .asp web sites and have a basic question. I have a
website with .html pages running on an IIS server with .Net installed. I also
have a couple of forms on the website. Some of them send email and others
store information entered by the user in the MS Access DB. The database is
small at this time and is growing slowly. The forms are .aspx pages coded
using VB.NET. These .aspx pages work fine. Although the folders in which
these .aspx pages reside are not turned into an application. Even though it
is not an application, these folders have their own web.config files too.

My question is, do I need to create an application in folders that contain
these .aspx pages or should I keep things as it is?

Thanks in advance,


Rick Strahl [MVP]

Hi Joe,

It depends. The reason that hte applications work is most likely because a
directory higher up the hiearachy is defined as an Application - most likely
the root directory.

There are a couple of things you need to be careful of. First all child
application then run in the same application which means making a change to
any of the Web.config files causes the entire App to reboot (parent and all
child apps). This means there's no isolation among these apps, which may be
Ok in a simple scenario. If you separate them out each application will run
in its own AppDomain providing application level isolation and if you run
IIS 6 you can isolate each application into its own Application Pool which
is a completely separate process.

The other issue is that the root application owns the BIN directory. If
you're only using code in ASPX pages this is also not an issue, but if you
have separate assemblies they need to go into the root directory's bin
directory which means if you have more than one application you're now
mixing code (binary modules at least) which is probably not the best of

Given that all you need to do to create separate applications is by creating
a virtual directory with the application setting set it's probably not a bad
idea to create an application. But it may not be required.

+++ Rick ---


Rick Strahl
West Wind Technologies

Kevin Spencer

Keep things as is.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

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