basic functionality with headless XPe


Garvin Seto

Morning All

I am currently trying to build a headless XPe, but I am lacking some key
functionalities that i would find usually on an XP Pro box, like ipconfig
telnet ftp.

I am hoping once i get ipconfig, i will be able to do a release renew and be
able to get out on to the network.

Are there other things i should include when dealing with a headless OS?

-thanks garvin

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Morning, afternoon, ....

I would rather got trough IP helper and other API functions depending on what you want to do.
You can usually use filter from TD to find component that contain certain file.
You should always lower visibility to 100 so search give you all results.

Component that you are searching for is: "TCP/IP Utilities"
Are there other things i should include when dealing with a headless OS?

Look trough:*

Best regards,

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