"Basic File Search"



I am in an excel class for school. We are learning out of an excel '03 book,
yet I have an '07 program. As part of my studies I am use the "File Search"
command. I used the interactive excel program and it stated that the '07
does not have this command. Yeah, I need help. I cannot finish this program
w/out this command. I need to use this to find 3 previous files created and
put them all into one new workbook


Are you looking in one directory or multiple directories? The DIR() function
may work. I need more details on your search to give you the right answer. I
have lots of code that does File Searches without the File Search function.
Are you just looking for names of files or are you looking at the dates as
well? I should be able to quickly give you the right code when I get the


The books states to use the File Search command and when it displays the
"Basic File Search" task pane to type in AWI (which is short for awsome
images) which are the previous files I need to retreive on my thumb drive.
It then states that the box will be on the right of the screen and that I
should just select the drive I need and under that in a sub catorgory will be
the files I need. I am then to "arrange" them in a vertical fashion. So in
the end I will have the blank work and the 4 workbooks.

I hope this helps you. Thank you so much for your help


Try this code. Change the folder name as required. The code below will find
and open all .XLS files in the folder selected.

Sub test2()

Const folder = "c:\temp"
First = True
If First = True Then
FName = Dir(folder & "\*.xls")
First = False
FName = Dir()
End If
If FName <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:=folder & "\" & FName
End If
Loop While FName <> ""

End Sub


I modified my code to have a pop up window to select the folder rather then
have the folder hard coded

Sub test3()

Dim objShell As Object, objFolder As Object

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
On Error Resume Next

Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(&H0&, "Select Folder ", &H1&)
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
Set oFolderItem = objFolder.Items.Item
folder = oFolderItem.Path

First = True
If First = True Then
FName = Dir(folder & "\*.xls")
First = False
FName = Dir()
End If
If FName <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:=folder & "\" & FName
End If
Loop While FName <> ""

End If

End Sub


I'm a little confused. How do I use this?

Joel said:
I modified my code to have a pop up window to select the folder rather then
have the folder hard coded

Sub test3()

Dim objShell As Object, objFolder As Object

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
On Error Resume Next

Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(&H0&, "Select Folder ", &H1&)
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
Set oFolderItem = objFolder.Items.Item
folder = oFolderItem.Path

First = True
If First = True Then
FName = Dir(folder & "\*.xls")
First = False
FName = Dir()
End If
If FName <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:=folder & "\" & FName
End If
Loop While FName <> ""

End If

End Sub


I'm a little bit confused also. AWI seems to be picture files and you said
that four workbook will be opened.

Let me explain the code
this part of the fde gets the folder name FOLDER

Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(&H0&, "Select Folder ", &H1&)
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
Set oFolderItem = objFolder.Items.Item
folder = oFolderItem.Path 'gets a folder name

This line of code sets up the DIR function on which filenames to return. It
is the same thing if you did a file search "c:\temp\*.xls". This will return
all files with these criteria

First Time
FName = Dir(folder & "\*.xls")
other times
FName = Dir

When Dir is used the first time you include the criteria for the search and
it returns the frist file with the criteria. All other times you don't have
any parameters so it returns all the other filenames with the criteria. I
use the variable First to distinquish between the first time DIR is called
and the other times.

The rest of the code just loops and opens each of the files using the FName
returned from the DIR function.

Workbooks.Open Filename:=folder & "\" & FName

When my code is finished you will have all the workbooks opend.


If you aren't interested in doing macro programming then use the Search
feature in Windows Explorer.

If you right click on the start button select explore
Then locate the directory of the files and simply double click on each of
the files you need to open.

Dave Peterson

The OP started a new tread in .worksheet.functions.

Thought you'd want to know.

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