Barcode font in Lebans' pdf creation



I am using Stephen Lebans' pdf creation function (which is GREAT).

In one of my reports the page footer has a textbox which has a barcode font
(Z 3of 9). When this report is output to a pdf file the field comes out as a
series of boxes. The same happens if I create a snapshot file (which shows
the barcode correct) and feed this file thru Steven's snapshot to pdf

Any suggestions ?

Thomas Lutz

You probably do not have the PDF writer set up to include the bar code
font in the PDF document. Look in the settings for your PDF writer
software and configure it to include all fonts in the PDF document.

If you are looking for a much better way to generate bar codes that
are not based on a font, then you might want to look at the TAL Bar
Code ActiveX Control at:
It is a much better way to produce high quality bar codes in Access
that are not font based and therefore the bar codes do not have any of
the problems associated with bar code fonts.



Thanks for getting back.

I have tried both with the 'include fonts' parameter set and without it set.
And also tried the snapshot viewer to pdf converter. Also if I open the
generated pdf file (using notepad), it seems to have the Z3of9 font in it (or
at least the font name is in the file). Finally, just to prove, I tried with
another font for the textbox and it was OK.

I will check out the TAL font over the w/end. Thanks again for your help.

Stephen Lebans

Could you elaborate so that I could place your response on the ReportToPDF
web page?


Stephen Lebans
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