Backup applications


Kolin Tregaskes


Is there any backup applications that backup, not only files, but registry
entries (e.g. Outlook Express' rules), etc.? It would be great to have this
as an all-in-one product which lets you select folders and files
specifically for backing up plus backing up from one drive to the other and
back the other way (almost like syncing).

e. (e-mail address removed)

Kolin Tregaskes

Hi there, thanks for the reply.

Those are all programs that backup the whole drive or partition or backup to
removable drives.

I want to be able to select specific files and folders to backup to specific
locations (on my second HD or an HD on my second computer via the network


Alex Nichol

Kolin said:
Is there any backup applications that backup, not only files, but registry
entries (e.g. Outlook Express' rules), etc.? It would be great to have this
as an all-in-one product which lets you select folders and files
specifically for backing up plus backing up from one drive to the other and
back the other way (almost like syncing).

Registry backups are solely for the machine the registry concerned
belongs to - do *not* try to copy one to a different machine. The
registry is backed up daily as the major part of the day's System
Restore point. For moving files and settings to other machines, use the
F A S T wizard - read Gary Woodruff's article on Files and settings
Transfer at

Kolin Tregaskes

HI Alex,

Yes I know all this. But I am looking for an all-on-one program. I fear
one doesn't exist. Oh well.



Last time I check, the backup program in XP does indeed backup everything.
All 3rd party backup apps are the same. They all backup apps and the
registry as well. Yuo can choose what to back. All you have to do is take
a look.

Kolin Tregaskes

Hi Karl,

Backup XP backs up to a single file. Also, I didn't see an option to backup
the registry or at least backup what parts of the registry I want to keep (I
would like to backup the IDs, rules, etc. separately).



Kolin said:
Backup XP backs up to a single file. Also, I didn't see an option to backup

Then its NOT recommended. Why trust a backup of your important data to a
proprietary file?


You will find that most backup apps use 1 file for backups. I understand
your concern abut having 1 files that you may not be able to read but most
backup apps have an explorer for the backup files.

Being able to backup only parts of the registry is something that I have not
been able to find yet.

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