Backup and restore feature



I cannot find any logs or option to set up logs even for the Back up
and restore utility that comes with Vista Ultimate. I would like to
see which files were written to backup.

Reason for this is that I backed up yesterday and then ran a backup
again today after only changing a few files and it still took it
almost an hour to complete.

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Chad Harris

I couldn't locate log files for Vista Backup, and I searched. It has been a
revered tradition at Redmond MSFT campus to locate log files as
metastatically, randomly, and ectopically as possible in the 4 corners of
Windows. It has been an additional tradition to write the log files in
language that the bell shaped curve of users including IT pros cannot

Cute ain't it?

I was not able to find the answer to your question from the following links
I hoped would help from Jill Zoeller's blog--The Filing Cabinet which
includes articles on Backup.

File Backup in Windows Vista FAQ

Chat with Backup Team

Backup Webcast

Vista's backup tool fails to impress



Thanks Chad. I've since downloaded and tried a few freeware app's out
there and this Cobian thing seems to have all I care to have re:
backup. What is
especially nice is it writes to my RAM DVD no problem (so does Vista,
but this app was the only free one that did).

Granted, it is written in Delphi/Kylix so it looks more like a KDE app
for linux than a windows app, but it works well. It is more a copy
program than anything, but that is really all I was after, and
something that would actually do incremental/differential backups
(something which I don't believe that the Redmond boys have yet to

Thanks for the backup4all link. Looks like a sweet app for the price
and I've bookmarked it in case I ever need that much power.


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