Backing up Personal Folders - lost "Backup..." from File menu.


John C

Migrating from OLK 2000 to OLK XP I found that somehow the Backup command
had disappeared from the File menu.

I went to Sue Mosher's site to get the utility installation file
"pfbackup.exe" - I saw that the file had been updated in September, so good
time I thought, to get a new copy.

When the installation routine was complete, I looked - in vain - for the
"Backup..." in the File menu.
I went back to the site, and read under "Troubleshooting" -

"Search you hard disk for the Pfbackup.exe file and make sure that the
Pfbackup.exe file that you downloaded has a size of 183 KB. If the size of
the file is not 183 KB, download the file again and reinstall the Outlook
Personal Folder Backup add-in"

The file size to download is shown as 160 KB. The actual downloaded file
Properties give the size as 159 KB (163,712 bytes).
I do not know of any way of going back and getting the extra bytes:).

Anyone else had this problem? Anyone found a solution or workaround?

Thanks for your help.

John C

[I cannot understand why this feature is not part of the app - is the age of
fail-free hard drives upon us?]

Jan Suralertrungsri [MSFT]

Hello John,

The latest version of the Personal Folder Backup that will work with
Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003 is located below:

The above link has the download file and the instruction to install the
add-in. You might want to check under the Add-in Manager and make sure
that the add-in is checked. From Outlook, go to Tools | Options | Other
tab | Advanced Options | Add-in Manager.

Best Regards,

Jan Suralertrungsri, MCSE
Microsoft Enterprise Messaging Support
Client Server Infrastructure


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John C

Hi Jan

At last I feel I'm getting somewhere.

I have the latest file, and have installed it. Still no "Backup..."
showing. Hmmm?

Following - Tools | Options | Other tab | Advanced Options | Add-in Manager,
gives me only one option [Exchange Extensions property pages] which is
already checked. The only other option in the box in an "Install..."
button, which gives me the option to install one of eight *.ecf files. My
[non-tech] hunch is that this is not the way to go, and if it is I have no
idea which file to select

Before I started the last attempt to install the pfbackup.exe file, I ran a
"Detect and Repair...", in case maybe there was some kind of minor but
important file missing or corrupt after the migration from Office 2000 to
Office 2002 (XP). That completed successfully, without requiring the
installation source.

I am puzzled. Searching the machine for files "pfbackup.exe" turns up two
references, both in C:\Windows\Prefetch, one dated today , and the other

For the present time I have uninstalled "Personal Folders Backup" via
Control Panel, in the hope that you may be able to give me some other
pointer as to what is going wrong. For example, the size of the downloaded
file seems at odds with the Download Center troubleshooting advice?

I am very grateful to you for giving this your attention. Thank you.

John C

John C

Hello Jan,

I posted an earlier response to the Group because I could not get this to
work. I have now found where I was going wrong. You pointed me in the right
direction. Going to "Tools | Options | Other tab | Advanced Options | Add-in
Manager" did not give me any option that I could see. I was about to retire
gracefully when I clicked on the "COM Add-Ins" and found that by running the
pfbackup.exe file from there the "Backup..." was restored in the drop-down

It worked for me, but without your help I should have just carried on
looking for, ahem, the size of the download file to increase 'one day'.

I intended to post this to the group, but I'm not very familiar with
newsgroups. I do know that they get mighty upset with multiple posts,
duplications etc, so if this reaches you direct, maybe you can tack it on to
the thread.

Thanks again.

John C

John Bos

This worked for me

Search for ADDins directories and/or locate outbak.dll

Then via the tools-other-advanced select COM add-ins and ADD the located file

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