Backing up Outlook



I need to backup all my emails, folders and addressbook from office outlook
to move to my new computer. where are the files I need located?

Thank you


In Robert had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I need to backup all my emails, folders and addressbook from office
outlook to move to my new computer. where are the files I need

Thank you

File > Import and Export

And you can back them up that way and import them on another PC easily

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"I am glad of all details, whether they seem to you to be relevant or
not." - Sherlock Holmes

Snarky Parker

If you're running Windows XP on the new computer and you have other data worth
transferring, you may want to look into its built-in data transfer utility. See
this article for more info:

Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

Otherwise, all of your Outlook data (including your address book which is called
Contacts) is contained in one file, usually named outlook.pst. If you search
using *.pst, you may also find archive.pst, which is where the content of user
designated folders are archived. You may have to allow hidden files to be shown
via Folder Options to find these files.

For non-networked stations the most common transfer can be made by burning a
copy of the pst file(s) to a CD-R or CD-RW disc, and then opening the file in
the new system. You can then use this PST as your main source or copy any data
over as required. Be aware that there's a difference in PST file structures
between OL2003 and pre-OL2003 versions. In any case, be sure to clear the
read-only attribute of the pst file(s), as required, prior to opening.

See this article for some more detailed info:

Reconnect your old Outlook data file

| I need to backup all my emails, folders and addressbook from office outlook
| to move to my new computer. where are the files I need located?
| Thank you


In Brian Tillman had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Don't listen to anyone who tells you "Import and Export". See this:

I read the page - interesting. As I don't have a bunch of custom folders (or
even any mail rules for the Outlook account) I'd never noticed any data
loss. Thanks for the heads up though. <g>

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"I am glad of all details, whether they seem to you to be relevant or
not." - Sherlock Holmes


I have Outlook 2003 and I am trying to back it up. I've tried to follow the
instructions from How To-Outlook. However, after I've located my pst-file
within Outlook's Personal Folders I don't know how to save it to my external
hard drive. I've tried right clicking on Copy and nothing happens.

Thanks for any suggestions.


You locate the pst in explorer, *with OL closed*, then simply copy as you
would any other file.
Or visit MS OL site and download the backup addin, and configure to your
prefered backup location


Thank you for your help DL.

DL said:
You locate the pst in explorer, *with OL closed*, then simply copy as you
would any other file.
Or visit MS OL site and download the backup addin, and configure to your
prefered backup location

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