BabySplat - Lock keyboard but occupy baby and (en?)discourage cat



BabySplat v0.93

"BabySplat is a free, open-source MS Windows program you can use to
give your kids something to do when you step away from an unprotected
computer. Your kids can bang on the keyboard and see neat shapes and

Whether it encourages or discourages the cat depends on the cat and
the sounds. You can always modify the sounds.

Donationware + GNU GPL

I haven't tried it but request to disable keyboard does come up from
time to time and this hasn't been described before.

Screenshot & description

DL page

v0.93 Installation File, Zipped (596k Win9xME, NT, 2K, XP)


Alastair Smeaton

BabySplat v0.93

"BabySplat is a free, open-source MS Windows program you can use to
give your kids something to do when you step away from an unprotected
computer. Your kids can bang on the keyboard and see neat shapes and

Whether it encourages or discourages the cat depends on the cat and
the sounds. You can always modify the sounds.
OMG - at first reading I thought this was a spoof on Babya :)
Zim/Fussy/Babya's software already does these kinds of things - it is
just that he peddles them as web browsers, office suites, operating
systems etc :)

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