Azureus lockup on A8N-SLI Premium



I keep experiencing system lock ups when using Azureus on Windows XP SP2.

Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this.

It runs for about 5 mins then crashes. Have to reboot system to fix by
pressing rest button. Apart from this everything is fine.


I keep experiencing system lock ups when using Azureus on Windows XP SP2.

Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this.

It runs for about 5 mins then crashes. Have to reboot system to fix by
pressing rest button. Apart from this everything is fine.
Azureus didn't hurt my computer, but I have to reset my router
frequently when I use it.



Seems to be working not too bad now.

I think it may have been that there were too many connections and this may
have crashing either the network card, TCP/IP stack or something else. My PC
was connected to the network using the Marvell Yukon interface

Java memory use was up at around 80MB as well.

I tried another BitTorrent client, ABC, and it crashed as well.

Reduced the number of connections and changed the PC to use the Nvidia
network interface on motherboard. No crashes so far.

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