Avoid Producer preload and specify bit rate



I know how to avoid the preload page by using:

But is there a way to specify which bit rate to use in the URL? A
workaround would be for me to create a different output files for each bit
rate and point to it, but I'd like to just have one output package if I can.
Any help would be useful.

Thanks for your help.

Brian Sullivan

I know how to avoid the preload page by using:

But is there a way to specify which bit rate to use in the URL? A
workaround would be for me to create a different output files for each bit
rate and point to it, but I'd like to just have one output package if I can.
Any help would be useful.

Thanks for your help.

I think the profile parameter will do what you want (though I haven't
actually tried)

For a list and information on available parameters search for "parameters"
in Producer help.

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