


Hi All
I am working on a new sheet that I want to be able to keep a running average
of how long a certain part has been in use on our printing press

I want to be able to show the length of each individual part and the average
of three of these parts combined.
Also what I want to do is when I enter the date that a part has been changed
it will erase the oldest date of the three and move the others down and
update the average.
So what it will look like is this
Can anyone show me what type of formula or VB script I would need to be able
to do this

Thanks for the help

4/1/07 this set does not enterinto the average until it has
been changed
24 days out it is just showing how long it has been in service

3/30/07 used for average
27 days

3/24/07 used for average
33 days

3/20/07 used for average
37 days

Average =32.3 days

crunchnin numbers


There has to be a better way, but as there aren't any other responses yet:

=SUMIF(B1:B8,"used for average",A1:A8)/(COUNTIF(B1:B8,"used for average"))

Crude - but it works...

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