Averageif help



I have a fomula that is trying to average the totals of individual sections
of averages. I have one section where there is not an average to add to the
formula. I would like to write a formula that would average all of the totals
even if there is a null value so I don't have to rewrite the formula if when
the section gains a value. Currently the null value is represented by
#DIV/0!. Here is what I have so far;
This is what I have tried
-- =AVERAGEIF(I10,I16,I22,I28,I34,I40,I46,I52,I58,"<>#DIV/0!")

Please help


Try one of these array formulas** :

If you will *never* insert new rows above the range:


If you might insert new rows above the range:


** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of


For some reason I can't get access using OE. Keep getting "Unable to connect
to the server" errors so I'm currently accessing through the web interface.
That's my sign-in for the web interface. I don't know how to change it! <g>

T. Valko

I think I found where to change the display name. Let's see if it shows up
differently this time.

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