Average Growth Rate



If I have a revenue number for 10 concescutive years, what is the best way to
get the average growth rate for these numbers? Thanks!


Calculate the revenue growth rate for each pair of consecutive years and then
average those rates.


Here's something more specific

1 $10,000,000.00
2 $14,740,634.86 47.41%
3 $16,736,647.04 13.54%
4 $16,922,847.13 1.11%
5 $18,653,648.44 10.23%
6 $26,127,105.88 40.06%
7 $33,074,355.97 26.59%
8 $42,284,677.94 27.85%
9 $42,545,480.92 0.62%
10 $49,387,299.55 16.08%


Range is A1:c12.

C2 = B2/B1-1 etc, filled down to C10

C12 = AVERAGE(C2:C10) = 20.39% average growth rate.

Is that what you're looking for?



Dave F,

Thanks for your response. That does what I am looking for, although I was
looking for a formula that I could fit in one cell to accomplish it. Sorry
for not being more specific.


James Silverton

Hello, Dave!
You wrote on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:02:01 -0700:

DF> 1 $10,000,000.00
DF> 2 $14,740,634.86 47.41%
DF> 3 $16,736,647.04 13.54%
DF> 4 $16,922,847.13 1.11%
DF> 5 $18,653,648.44 10.23%
DF> 6 $26,127,105.88 40.06%
DF> 7 $33,074,355.97 26.59%
DF> 8 $42,284,677.94 27.85%
DF> 9 $42,545,480.92 0.62%
DF> 10 $49,387,299.55 16.08%

DF> 20.39%

DF> Range is A1:c12.

DF> C2 = B2/B1-1 etc, filled down to C10

DF> C12 = AVERAGE(C2:C10) = 20.39% average growth rate.

DF> Is that what you're looking for?

DF> Dave

Maybe an expoential increase would be appropriate? I'd have been
tempted to use:-
INDEX(LOGEST(known_y's,known_x's),1) -1

This would give 0.19052 or 19.05% with your data.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:


I guess it depends on what your intent with the data is and what kind of
average you're looking to calculate.

I was assuming the original poster was looking for a simple mathematical
average of the population.


David Biddulph

If you want the number which applied in each of the 9 years would give the
same final value as you've got, then it's =(final/initial)^(1/9)-1.
With Dave F's figures of $10,000,000.00 growing to $49,387,299.55, the
answer is 19.42%, so not quite the same as his 20.39%. You can check it by
applying =previous*(1+percentage), & that gets you from $10,000,000.00 to
$49,387,299.55 in 9 steps.

Fred Smith

Although you can roll your own formula, the Rate function will do exactly what
you want. AS there are no cash flows, the intermediate values have no impact. So



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