Availability of Critical Patches Prior to SP2



In weeks past, several posters have inferred that
installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 would include all
fixes/patches for Windows and that it was not necessary
to have installed all the patches available since Windows
XP came into existence.
Now we are informed by Microsoft that making preparations
for installation of SP2 should include having already
installed all critical patches before installing SP2. If
someone, who has not kept their computer completely
updated with critical patches because the computer was
not in use, were to go to Windows Update, would that
person still be offered the patches that they missed
since installing SP1? I'm trying to help that person get
back into operation. Information would be greatly

Michael W. Ryder

Anna said:
In weeks past, several posters have inferred that
installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 would include all
fixes/patches for Windows and that it was not necessary
to have installed all the patches available since Windows
XP came into existence.
Now we are informed by Microsoft that making preparations
for installation of SP2 should include having already
installed all critical patches before installing SP2. If
someone, who has not kept their computer completely
updated with critical patches because the computer was
not in use, were to go to Windows Update, would that
person still be offered the patches that they missed
since installing SP1? I'm trying to help that person get
back into operation. Information would be greatly

The patches are still available. I just upgraded a PC this last weekend
and installed all the patches up to SP2.


Thank you, Michael
-----Original Message-----

The patches are still available. I just upgraded a PC this last weekend
and installed all the patches up to SP2.

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