Autosize + Datagrid



How I can autosize a DataGrid after then associate a Datasource=Dataset in
Smart Devices applications or Windows forms application?? That same??


David de Passos
E-Mail: (e-mail address removed)
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Jan Tielens


One way to do this is to use MeasureString to compute the size of the text
in each cell, and then take the maximum value. Below is a code snippet that
does this. It assumes your datagrid is bound to a datatable. You can
download a full working sample. (C#,VB).

public void AutoSizeCol(int col)


float width = 0;

int numRows = ((DataTable) dataGrid1.DataSource).Rows.Count;

Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(dataGrid1.Handle);

StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

SizeF size;

for(int i = 0; i < numRows; ++ i)


size = g.MeasureString(dataGrid1[i, col].ToString(),
dataGrid1.Font, 500, sf);

if(size.Width > width)

width = size.Width;



dataGrid1.TableStyles["customers"].GridColumnStyles[col].Width = (int)
width + 8; // 8 is for leading and trailing padding


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