autorespond on certan email.



Gents, Ladies,
I will need your help.
I've been assigned the duty as HDI at our office and everytime a recruit
signs up I need to send him a mail.
The data I receive from the recruit always comes from 1 address (TFO) but
the name always change (obviously)
The letter i need to send them is basically a template which I copy-paste
every time now into a new mail, replace the name and fill in their
that emailadress they have is their (e-mail address removed)

anybody got a idea how to do this?
They told me to work with a access database but i got no idea how.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Where would the name of the recruit be in that email? It would have to be
parsed out of the email message and to do that the name would have to be
somewhere specific and marked out so you know it's a name and not just some
random text.

I don't see how an Access database would help in this, you'd still somehow
have to get the name from the email and then put it into the Access


The name of that recruit is indeed mentiioned in that email. otherwise I
would not be able to send him a email to his address inside our squads. And
yes it needs to be copy-pasted somehow from inside that first mail to 2
places in the mail I need to send.

Ken Slovak - said:
Where would the name of the recruit be in that email? It would have to be
parsed out of the email message and to do that the name would have to be
somewhere specific and marked out so you know it's a name and not just some
random text.

I don't see how an Access database would help in this, you'd still somehow
have to get the name from the email and then put it into the Access

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

And will you know the name ahead of time so you can look for it using a
string function such as InStr? If not how do you propose to locate the name
of the recruit in the text in the email? You would need some marker like
Name: so you can locate the name, or it would have to be in a specific place
such as the first line in the email.


Now U got me. If I knew the answer I wasn't asking for the help :-(
Below is a part of the email that I receive from TFO:

A new REC has been approved by Division Command. REC ZIP has confirmed
receiving a Welcome Letter and has confirmed that he has read and understands
that letter.

Here is this new member's information:

Callsign: ZIP
Location: Other
Can you filter(copy) out the name from that part? I already created a new
form in outlok so the script needs to open that form, paste the name, delete
the sig that gets pointed on top and then send it. and if give the mail from
tfo that I received a different collormarking.
Right now all I have is a rule that colors the email from TFO red if
specific words are in it (regarding the recruit...)

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

There's no name information anywhere there, so how would you get the
information from that? I can't see a way. If the format was Name: my name
then it would be easy.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

What I would do would be something like this code fragment then:

strBody = Item.Body
lngPos = InStr(1, strBody, "Callsign:"
If lngPos > 0 Then
lngPosCR = InStr(lngPos, strBody, vbCRLF)
If lngPosCR > 0 Then
strCallsign = Mid(strBody, lngPos, (lngPosCR - lngPos))
strName = Right(strCallsign, (Len(strCallsign) - Len("Callsign:")))
strName = Trim(strName)
End If
End If

That would find a line in the body of the message that has the word
"Callsign:" in it. It would then find where the line ends (vbCRLF) and get
the line as a new string. It would then strip out the "Callsign:" and all
leading and trailing spaces. The end result would be "ZIP".

See if that helps.

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