autoplay problem



When trying to play an ECDL teaching cd in XP, the autoplay seems to be
trying to use the system file c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt, which is
coming up as not suitable for running DOS and windows applications. How can
I change this and what should I change it to? Please...


Some information for you to consider -

Is it DOS related or Auto Play related for Trojan related?

c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose Close to terminate the
Error message when you install or start an MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows-based

Replace the standard version of autoexec.nt/config.nt by copying a backup
copy located in %windir%\repair\ to %windir%\system32\
(NB: %windir% is typically C:\Windows)

Start>Run and type in this without the quotes:
"cmd /c copy /y %windir%\repair\autoexec.nt %windir%\system32"

Troubleshooting MS-DOS-Based Programs in Windows;EN-US;314106

16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem error while installing or running a DOS application:

Can also be caused by a Trojan - please scan your computer for viruses etc.

Autoplay Repair Wizard
The Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard scans your computer devices to find
defective AutoPlay settings, and attempts to fix those it finds.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

Why doesn't AutoPlay work?

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