Automatically Replacing existing file on save



I'm using XL97 under WinXP-pro.

I use a "Sub auto_close()" macro to save my workbook when I close it.

The following VB code does the job of overwriting the existing file, but
it does not add the file to the Most Recently used (MRU) list:


The following VB code adds the the file to the MRU list, but it requires
manual authorization to overwrite the existing file:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Michael\My
Documents\__Scratch\_2005Jan\XLmenu\Actions0.xls" _
, FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False, AddToMru:=True

The following code does NOT seem to work:
Workbooks("Actions0.xls").Save, AddToMru:=True

Can someone clue me in to the right syntax. I could not find it in any
of my reference books.

Thanks ... WindsurferLA

Bob Phillips

IN the code that works, precede with

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

reset at the end.



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