"automatically detect languages" drives me ...




Word 2003. I'm correcting a quite complicated word doc, lots of tables, a
selfconstructed unicode-font and hebrew typing.


Hi, (sorry, hit the return to fast...)

Word 2003. I'm correcting a quite complicated word doc, lots of tables, a
selfconstructed unicode-font and hebrew typing.
My problem is: there are a few places where there is times new roman-type
yet at the bottom it says "hebrew" - meaning the language is for some reason
set to hebrew, right. The cursor does move left (that suggests too that it is
for some reason hebrew "territory")
Yet there is no way to turn this off! In every style I look (and there are a
lot selfdesigned ones in that doc) the "automatically detect language"-box is
greyish and marked --> can't unmark it.
Even after I erased ALL styles until only the predefined unerasables ones
(heading 1,2,3, normal and so on) were left over, I still have those funny
What can I do to get the language here right?

(default language of my system is german, keyboard layout is german too)

thanks a lot!!

Klaus Linke

Hi Albrecht,

Have you installed support for Hebrew? Do you see buttons for RTL and LTR
(right-to-left...) on the formatting toolbar?
Perhaps RTL runs are automatically Hebrew (rather than the other way around),
and the buttons allow you to change that.

But I've never used RTL languages, and that's just a guess. Maybe you could ask
in .word.international.features.


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