Automatic updating of age groups columns


Paul JJ Adams

nUsing XP Home/ Office 2000.
I have two colums of students, column 'A' contains D.O.B, column 'B''
contains students age.
Has anyone a formula so that Column B will automatically update the students
age rather than having to manually update the current age of each student?
Thanks in advance.

Mike H

Maybe this in b1 and drag down

=DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"y") & " y, " & DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"ym") & " m, " &
DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"md") & " d"


JE McGimpsey

Note that this produces some weird results...

For instance on 3/1/2008:

A2: 1/31/1990
B2: 18 y, 1 m, -1 d

Also - never need to use NOW() rather than TODAY() - the time portion
just gets thrown away.

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