Automatic Updates dialog greyed out


rick cameron

Hi, all

When I go to the Automatic Updates tab of the Properties for My Computer,
all the controls are greyed out. This happens on my Windows XP SP1 computer
and on my Windows 2000 Pro SP 4 computer.

I've seen several other messages describing the same problem, and there are
two explanations usually given: that the computer is connected to an SUS
server; and that the Automatic Updates service is not running on the

Neither of these is true in my case. My computers are connected to our
company's network. Other computers on the network (running Windows XP) have
the controls on the Automatic Updates tab enabled.

Is it possible that group or local policy is doing this? If so, can anyone
suggest specific items to look at in the policy lists.

My logon ID is a local administrator on the computers.


- rick

Stephen Johnson

I just noticed this on my computer. You probably have to set the "Automatic Update" service to
automatic. That's what I had to do. I don't know how it got turned off, but it did. Right-click My
Computer, and click Manage. Click the plus-sign next to "Services and Applications", then click
"Services". Right click "Automatic Updates" and click "Properties". Set "Startup Type" to Automatic,
then start the service. Now Windows Update shouldn't be greyed.


rick cameron

Hi, Stephen

Thanks for replying, but as I said below, the Automatic Updates service _is_

Any other ideas?


- rick

Stephen Johnson

I don't know why this might work, so don't ask, but it was on Kelly's site to try. Make sure the
"default" values for the following keys are set to "(value not set)". If they aren't, then delete
the default value, and it will create a new one with "(value not set)".

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21... (anything that starts with S-1-5-21)

I don't acually have any trouble with Automatic Updates, but I noticed in my registry that the
second S-1-5-21 key's default value was set to "DAT Files" for some reason. No idea. Hope that


rick cameron

It turned out that my computers were set to use SUS (Software Update
Service). This causes the Automatic Updates tab to be disabled.

I fixed this by deleting
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate and
everything under it.

Kelly - if you're listening, you may want to add this to your website.

Thanks, all

- rick


Hi Rick,

I am listening and it has been on my site for a great while now. :blush:)

Windows Update Greyed Out (Line 179) Right hand side

rick cameron said:
It turned out that my computers were set to use SUS (Software Update
Service). This causes the Automatic Updates tab to be disabled.

I fixed this by deleting
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate and
everything under it.

Kelly - if you're listening, you may want to add this to your website.

Thanks, all

- rick

Stephen Johnson said:
I don't know why this might work, so don't ask, but it was on Kelly's
to try. Make sure the
"default" values for the following keys are set to "(value not set)". If they aren't, then delete
the default value, and it will create a new one with "(value not set)".

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21... (anything that starts with S-1-5-21)

I don't acually have any trouble with Automatic Updates, but I noticed
my registry that the
second S-1-5-21 key's default value was set to "DAT Files" for some reason. No idea. Hope that



Have you compared the two, Stephen enough to even warrant this post of
yours? You are getting to be annoying!


Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Stephen said:
That's not the same thing. You're changing something else in that fix.

Take a look at the last line in the updaterestore.reg file at Kelly's site:


This will delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate and
everything under it...

Stephen Johnson

Man, am I not paying attention or what?! For some reason I thought he said something closer to the
root. Never Mind. duh.....


rick cameron

Hmm... The first time I looked at that .reg file, I don't think it had the


....but it's there now!

One of our IT guys said he thought these keys might be reinstated
automatically, by Group Policy being pushed down from the AD server. Do you
know anything about that?


- rick

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

rick said:
Hmm... The first time I looked at that .reg file, I don't think it had the


...but it's there now!

One of our IT guys said he thought these keys might be reinstated
automatically, by Group Policy being pushed down from the AD server. Do you
know anything about that?


This will happen if you have created a GPO that configures WU/SUS.

rick cameron

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:

This will happen if you have created a GPO that configures WU/SUS.

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 page
Scripting Guide:

Hi, Torgeir

I don't know much about Group Policy Objects. How can I tell if there's such
a GPO?


- rick

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

rick said:
I don't know much about Group Policy Objects. How can I tell if there's such
a GPO?


Gpresult.exe can be used to see what GPO's are in action for a user/computer.

Run it like this to get the output redirected to a text file (from Start/Run or
a command prompt):

Gpresult.exe /v >C:\GpresultLog.txt

(/v is for verbose output)

Gpresult.exe comes default installed with WinXP Pro.

For a Win2k computer, Gpresult.exe can be downloaded freely from here:

rick cameron

Excellent - thanks!

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:

Gpresult.exe can be used to see what GPO's are in action for a user/computer.

Run it like this to get the output redirected to a text file (from Start/Run or
a command prompt):

Gpresult.exe /v >C:\GpresultLog.txt

(/v is for verbose output)

Gpresult.exe comes default installed with WinXP Pro.

For a Win2k computer, Gpresult.exe can be downloaded freely from here:

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 page
Scripting Guide:


I have a slightly different problem from Rick's. Can anyone give me
suggestions? We have XP and 2000 computers with limited user
privileges and their computers are set to auto download and install.
However, the "No" option to restart at a later time is greyed out.
They can't cancel the reboot at a later time that administrators can
do. I've tried editing the group policy of "No auto-restart for with
logged on users" and have made sure that that is in effect with the
regedit value set to 1 but that didn't work. The "No" button is still
greyed out. The only thing it does now is that the dialog just sits
on top of everything and wait for you to accidently hit the "yes"
button for reboot. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Stephen Johnson said:
Attached is the reg file that may apply.


rick cameron said:
Hi, Stephen

Thanks for replying, but as I said below, the Automatic Updates service _is_

Any other ideas?


- rick

begin 666 updaterestore.reg
M5VEN9&]W<R!296=I<W1R>2!%9&ET;W(@5F5R<VEO;B U+C P#0H-"EM(2T59
M=&4B/61W;W)D.C P,# P,# P#0H-"EM(2T597TQ/0T%,7TU!0TA)3D5<4V]F
M97-<17AP;&]R97)=#0HB3F]7:6YD;W=S57!D871E(CUD=V]R9#HP,# P,# P
#, T*

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