AutoFilter & Hidden Rows




I'm trying to write some code so that I can filter out rows based on a
search a cell's comments box. I've managed (with the help of Dave and
Wouter, thanks guys) to produce the code at the bottom of this post and this
works very nicely, hiding alls rows that do not match the criteria entered
in the InputBox.

My problem now is that when I autofilter a range, I can drag cell contents
across the hidden rows and the data is only duplicated in the visible rows.
Fine, that's what I want. But with my code, I hide the appropriate rows,
drag a cell's contents down over the hidden rows, but when I unhide the
hidden rows I find that the data has been copied across all rows, visible
and hidden!

I notice that playing around with the macro recorder that there appears to
be a difference between "FillDown" and "AutoFill", see below. Can anyone
help with this curious difference? I always thought that AutoFilter only
hides rows anyway.

Best regards



Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Rabbit"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Test Word 1"

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Test Word 2"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("H9:H23"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False


Sub SearchCellComments()
Dim SearchTerm As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim visRows As Long
Dim procRows As Long
If MsgBox("Is cell at top of comments filled list?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Start Process") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
iCol = ActiveCell.Column
iRow = ActiveCell.Row
visRows = 0 'No. of visible rows
procRows = 0 'No. of processed rows

SearchTerm = LCase(InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter search term"))

If IsEmpty(Cells(iRow, iCol)) Then
MsgBox "Current cell is empty"
Exit Do
End If

procRows = procRows + 1
If Cells(iRow, iCol).Comment Is Nothing Then
Rows(iRow).Hidden = True
'If LCase(Cells(iRow, iCol).Comment.Text) = SearchTerm Then
If InStr((LCase(Cells(iRow, iCol).Comment.Text)), SearchTerm)
Rows(iRow).Hidden = False
visRows = visRows + 1
Rows(iRow).Hidden = True
End If
End If
iRow = iRow + 1

MsgBox CStr(visRows) & " of " & CStr(procRows) & " records found."
'Application.StatusBar = CStr(visRows) & " of " & CStr(procRows) & "
records found"
'Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Dave Peterson

There's a difference between rows hidden by autofilter and hidden, er,
manually--even by a macro.

But you can get to the visible cells in a column of a range with something like:

dim myVRng as range
dim myArea as range
set myVrng = nothing
on error resume next
set myvrng = .range("a1:a99").cells.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible)
on error goto 0

if myVRng is nothing then
'no visible cells in range
for each myArea in myvrng.areas
myarea.value = "hi there"
next myarea
end if


and instr() has an option to compare text:

If InStr((LCase(Cells(iRow, iCol).Comment.Text)), SearchTerm)
could be:
If InStr(1, Cells(iRow, iCol).Comment.Text, searchterm, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then


Hi Dave,

Thanks very much for this. That's interesting about the xlcelltypevisible,
but would this allow me to then manually edit the range in the drag fill way
I was mentioning? I'm assuming that this would only work if I wanted to
refer to them programatically (which I might do on another occasion!)? What
do you think?

Thanks also for the Instr tip. I've had a look at the help file and I'm not
sure I fully understand this. Would your suggestion test for whole words
only? Is that the purpose?

Anyway, thank for your help and apologies for returning with lots of curious

Best regards


Dave Peterson

You can use the equivalent of xlcelltypevisible cells by selecting your range.
Hit F5 (or edit|goto), click special, check visible cells only.

You can't drag down, but you could type and hit control-enter to fill the
selected cells. Works nice with constants and formulas. But double check.
Absolute references might give you trouble ($a$1 v a1) if you're not careful.

And instr() looks at strings--not words. It can be partial words or multiple

msgbox instr(1, "this is a test of a lo", "s a te",vbtextcompare)

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