autofill in address not working


Eddie G

When I type in the name of a mail recipient the name does autofill as
I type the first few letters even though the address is stored in my
address book. Is there an option I am missing to turn this on? The
strange thing is it does work most of the time.


Eddie g

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Eddie G said:
When I type in the name of a mail recipient the name does autofill as
I type the first few letters even though the address is stored in my
address book. Is there an option I am missing to turn this on? The
strange thing is it does work most of the time.


Eddie g

AutoComplete only works for the last 25 you sent mail to.

Michael Evangelista

AutoComplete only works for the last 25 you sent mail to.

Is there any justifiable reason for this? Not looking to flame, just really
dont understand why anyone would have thought that to be a good idea, when
OE had such a solid autocomplete feature.

I am loving the new interface but this one issue is a dealkiller for me...
I send a lot of email and need that auto-complete for the whole address
Is there any hope it will return in a Service Pack at some point?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

I don't know of any reason, much less a justifiable one, unless it be speed.
It would take longer to search a large number of contacts than to search 25
Registry entries.

As far as the new interface, I really wish I could put the Toolbar on the
same line as the menubar.


I have purchased a Dell computer with Vista software and this problem has
been bugging me and my wife since May tihs year.
When do you think Microsoft will accept this as a problem and send out a fix??


I posted to another thread about this issue. Your news that Microsoft is
(dare I say) working the issue is good news. Now if it comes true. In the
meantime can anyone suggest a mail client for Vista that has all the features
we came to love in Outlook Express, e.g., autocomplete of addresses.


Gary VanderMolen

Windows Live Mail (download URL below) has a working autocompletion.
Quite a few WM bugs have been fixed in WLM.

Gary VanderMolen

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