Autocomplete Email Addresses Problem



Hi Everyone,

I just upgraded from Outlook Express to Outlook 2003.

In Outlook Express, when I began typing a name in the "To" field for a new
email, OE would "autocomplete" the rest of the name (for example, I would
type "J" and it would pop up "John" from my address book.

I can't get Outlook to do this. "Suggest names while completing to" is
checked in the advanced email settings, as is "automatic name checking". But
it is still not working.

Any ideas how I could fix this?


Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]

2 things - autocompletion and autoresolution are not the same thing.

Autocompletion is where Outlook 2002 and 2003 use a .n2k file of recently
used names and autocomplete them in the to... field. If you haven't sent an
email to that person before, it will have no data to autocomplete. These
names do not have to be in the Contacts or GAL.

Autoresolution is where Outlook knows about Contacts and eople in the GAL
and can find their email addresses. Ctrl K or the check names button do
that. (also just waiting a while til the name is underlined).

There are lots of posts here about autocompletetion and probably many if you
google it :)


Hi Judy,

Thanks for your reply.

In Outlkook Express in the "To" feild, when I typed the first letter of a
contact's name, OE would suggest fillig in the whole name (e.g. I type "J"
and it suggests "John").

How can I get Outlook to do this, as well? I have "Suggest names while
completing to" checked in the advanced email settings, as well as "automatic
name checking". But Outlook is still not suggesting names the way OE used to.


Brian Tillman

Brian H. said:
How can I get Outlook to do this, as well? I have "Suggest names
while completing to" checked in the advanced email settings, as well
as "automatic name checking". But Outlook is still not suggesting
names the way OE used to.

And it won't. Autocompletion will suggest addresses you've already used.
The Check Names button should give you a list of Johns from your address
book if you type John and then click Check Names or tab out of the recipient

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