auto step sum


confused deejay


i am writing a spred sheet where if i select a drop down list then enter a
sum the sum would be inserted into then appropriate cell. my problem is i
want that cell to then jump to the next cell the next time i enter a figure


(from dropdown list in a1) "paid"
in a2 i would enter 100 which would add 100 in cell aa1.
the next time i choose from the dropdown list "paid" and enter 500 in cell
a2 i want that to jump to aa2 which i could then sum in ab1 the total on row

Barb Reinhardt

It sounds like you need to do something with VBA. Take a look at the
Worksheet_Change Event or go to the Programming group to ask for more

confused deejay

your right it is a VBA i need but what VBA tried several but can't get it to
work, using help in VBA just makes me more confused lol

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