Auto numbers over 100 display incorrectly in report

  • Thread starter Katherine Smith
  • Start date

Katherine Smith

I now have over 100 entries in my database. On this forms and tables this
shows as 1 through to 113 but when I print a report it displays as 1 through
to 99 and all records after that are displayed as 1E+02. How can I sort this
so my reports show the correct auto numbers?

Allen Browne

Make the text box wider.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

news:[email protected]...


As Allen says, making the text box wider will accomplish what you want.

But, I would like to offer some advice on the use of Autonumber fields.
They should never be seen by a user and should never be used for anything
meaningful. They are designed to be used only as surrogate primary keys to
relate records in other tables.

You cannot expect them to be sequential without gaps. If a record is
started, but never saved, the number originally assigned is discarded.

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