auto insert date upon change of a control



Hey all....

I have a form (in continuous form view) which has a combo box for order
status. I would like to automatically create a date whenever someone changes
the status of an order. So, I imagine I would create a seperate table
called, say...update status date a which contains 2 fileds (Order Number and
Status Change Date). How do I get the Order Number and Status Change Date
record into the new table whenever the staus is changed?

Thanks in advance!!!

Allen Browne

Use the events of the form to insert a record into your logging table.

You will need to use Form_BeforeUpdate and Form_AfterUpdate in combination.
Form_BeforeUpdate can fire even when a record is not saved (e.g. if it is
discovered that a required field is not filled in), so it is not reliable
on its own. Form_AfterUpdate is reliable, but at that stage you don't have
access to the previous data, so you can't tell if the status changed or not.
Therefore you will need to:
1. Declare a form-level variable (delcared in the General Declarations
section, at the top of the form's module):
Private mbStatusChanged As Boolean

2. Set the value of this variable in Form_BeforeUpdate, e.g.:
If (Me.NewRecord) OR (Me.[Status] = Me.[Status].OldValue) Then
mbStatusChanged = False
mbStatusChanged = True
End If

3. Write the logging record in Form_AfterUpdate, e.g.:
Dim strSql As String
If mbStatusChanged Then
mbStatusChanged = False
strSql = "INSERT INTO ...
dbEngine(0)(0).Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If

This doesn't log deletions, of course. If you need to do that too, see:
Audit Trail - Log changes at the record level

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